Athlete Sponsorships:
$75-- 1/4 page in program w/ b&w uniform photo and sponsor logo
$150-- 1/2 page in program w/ b&w uniform photo and sponsor logo
$200-- Full page ad in program w/ b&w uniform photo and sponsor logo
(Please do not let this be a burden to your family. Approach local businesses and booster clubs for sponsorships.)
ALL STAR BANQUET: Sunday, June 2nd @ 5pm ALL STAR GAMES: The Stone Palace Softball: Thursday, June 6th at 6pm
1211 Indiana Ave Baseball: Thursday, June 6th at 6:30pm
Wichita Falls, TX 76301 Football: Friday, June 7th at 7pm
"He must become greater; I must become less."
As competitors, we always dream of something Greater. We train tirelessly to reach our potential,
seeking approval from teammates, coaches and fans. The promise of a trophy or praise pushes us
to succeed. Our identity becomes about our performance—how well we play, not who we are.
The pressure to succeed fuels our purpose to compete every day. But what happens when our
season ends, or we don’t perform well? What does it say about our potential or our purpose? The
world will say we’re not good enough—that we’ve failed.
But Jesus Christ says differently.