December Newsletter

Doyla Motley • January 6, 2021

Director's Note

As 2020 comes to a close we look forward to the hope that 2021 holds. In the midst of the 2020 pandemic, we have much to be thankful for. This year has allowed us to fine tune our focus. We have focused on building our team so we can reach more schools in our area, including MSU. God continues to put people with a heart to serve Him in our path and that is very exciting. We look forward to adding a female rep to our area in 2021!

Reaching outside our comfort zone and doing ministry in more creative ways was a must. In the spring and summer, we focused on the coaches and getting to know them better through interviews. We had opportunities for one-on-one conversations to hear what was going on in their lives and praying with and for them and their families.

It was exciting as schools opened to see the school doors open to FCA and our area reps. That was one of the big highlights of the year!

2020 was an okay year. But, we expect God to do some great things in 2021!

Here’s wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! MIKE


As the fall semester comes to an end, FCA continues to expand in Bowie ISD! Recently I connected with First Baptist Youth Pastor, Dustin Reeves, to bring along Gatorade for drops at the high school boys basketball practice. With his partnership we have now started to serve the High school girls, Junior high girls and junior high boys basketball teams weekly. 

Starting on January 11th we will be hosting weekly a bible study with the high school boys basketball team post practice on Mondays with a bible study for the girls pending upon approval. We have also been in contact with Coach Jaimie Hickey from the junior high on starting a FCA bible study this next semester.

Thank you for all your prayers, Bowie FCA is just getting started!

--Shawn Kirkland, Bowie Ambassador

Merry Christmas! 2020 has truly been a crazy year, but our family has been overwhelmed with your love, support, prayers and encouragement. As a minister, Satan attacks us in so many ways. The transition from student pastor to FCA missionary was tough at times. Regardless of the lies Satan tells, Jesus speaks truth! We have had the opportunity to meet so many unchurched students and coaches. This opportunity has opened the door for the Gospel to be shared with the lost. Thank you for being a huge part of this ministry! Together we will continue to reach the next generation with the Good News of Jesus and prepare them to do the same!

Love, Sam, Jessica, & Cohlson Powers

Looking back at the year 2020 there are so many things we can all agree on that were not really what we wanted!

In spite of the difficulties we faced during this time, we have been able to adapt, change, reschedule, modify, and whatever else was needed to be done to complete FCA's Mission. I believe Ephesians 6 clearly states that we are fighting against unseen forces. I am so proud of all these people for persevering during this time! I hope you can see from the pictures this month that the coaches, huddle leaders, character coaches, and volunteer speakers have been able to touch the area athletes' lives. Our staff has also done a great job of reaching out to our coaches to help them through this difficult time. Thank all of you for your prayers and support during 2020!

Merry Christmas, JC Eakin, WF Area Rep


FCA in Vernon is not something I can accomplish alone. I’ve been blessed to have many young men and women partnering with me to bring snacks, minister to students, host huddles, and pray for our coaches and athletes.

Although I’m not sure what FCA ministry will look like exactly heading into 2021, I’m excited to see what the Lord is able to do through these willing volunteers. My prayer is that I can gather a group of students who want to lead out in their schools, and simply equip them to do the work!                   

--Nathan Roach, Vernon Ambassador


Family I never knew how good God truly was until I learned to say yes more and just trust him. It’s an honor to be on the campus every day serving our coaches and athletes. I’m so humbled by the growth of our young people and young Christians. I thank God that he saw something special enough in me to be on this Campus at this time. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and the wonderful coaches and athletes at MSU. The year 2021 is going to be AMAZING, with God of course. Love you!  And I mean that. 


Solomon E. Orr

Midwestern State FCA Campus Coordinator

Persevering on through the end of December are the Iowa Park, Holliday, City View and Archer City communities! Athletes and coaches are ready for a much needed break but have continued to serve their schools by continuing FCA huddles and bible studies. I’ve had the honor of beginning Bible Studies with IP Coach Brittany Cray and CV Coach Matthew Cooper this month as we become more Gospel equipped to do school ministry! As we look forward to Christmas rest, we also all look forward to the coming of our Savior—Immanuel, God with us—during this time!

--Ashton Rousseaux, Area Rep

By Doyla Motley May 28, 2021
After having to take a one month break from meeting in a coach’s Bible study and with middle schoolers at City View due to demanding sports schedules, teachers and coaches worked together to ensure that students were aware that meetings have resumed. This resulted in having the highest number of middle schoolers attended their recent huddle. Archer City schools stay strong with Youth Pastor Brad Johnson of FBC Archer helping lead. Holliday huddles are staying consistent and faithful with students like Morgan Davis stepping up to lead. I’m blessed to be a part of these communities. Pictured: Wesley Rousseaux leading at Iowa Park. --Ashton Rousseaux, Area Rep
By Doyla Motley May 21, 2021
As I sit and thank God for this semester, I’m thankful for how he has kept my little brothers and sisters safe through their seasons. They have faced adversity but continued pushing to be great. I’m so proud of them for them growing in Christ but also as young people. I’m very thankful God has allowed me to be a part of that growth. Thank you for supporting and believing in me. --Solomon Orr, MSU Campus Coordniator
By Doyla Motley May 7, 2021
Fellowship of Christian Athletes continues to strive for new ways to reach our audience. The school huddle groups, Bible studies, devotional times, prayer time, etc., with our coaches and athletes is always meant to be flexible for the participants. We want to engage people where they are and help them move toward a growing relationship with the Lord! Recently FCA introduced a new study called Pursue. It is designed to help us pursue our relationship with Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. It’s exciting to see our Hirschi High School Girl’s Coaches sport their Pursue shirts. --J.C. Eakin, GWF Area Rep
By Doyla Motley April 30, 2021
I’m excited for the opportunity to work with the Women's Soccer team at MSU. I’m getting into a good rhythm of schedule with them. I’ve made connections with a couple of the girls. I even drove to Edmond and watched them play in Oklahoma. I also watched a home game with one of the team members while she recorded the game for the coach. Their season will end at the beginning of April. My desire is to continue hanging out with the girls I have already met and do things outside of the practices and games as the school semester and soccer season is ending. Thank you for your prayers and support as I continue. --Jaycee Bruner, GWF Ambassador
By Doyla Motley April 28, 2021
Overcoming Obstacles I am so thankful to partner with the local church. As a parachurch ministry we must be looking for ways to better equip the local churches. During finals week, we will host the Henrietta High School athletics program and launch them into the summer. Everyone loves American Ninja Warrior, so we have decided to bring them into the school for students to hear about Jesus. I am so thankful for those who donate to make this happen! Please consider donating at to make this event and others happen. --Sam Powers, Area Rep
By Doyla Motley April 28, 2021
This month, my family and I took a much-needed vacation to Maryland where we previously lived. Upon returning home I realized how grateful I was to be able to serve God and people in the Holliday, Iowa Park, City View, and Archer City communities. Students such as Olivia Marks and Jackson Brotherwood at City View, Austin Lynn at Holliday, and Archer City youth pastor Brad Johnson stepped up to disciple their FCA groups in godly stewardship. The hands and feet of Jesus are moving-- holding the door open for a place for His Spirit to move and we see that he is ever supreme to a lifetime of worldly blessings. --Ashton Rousseaux, GWF Area Rep
By Doyla Motley April 23, 2021
It’s been another blessed and great month at MSU. I want to highlight a young lady who has truly stepped up to be a leader with her faith and in helping others. Ms. Avery Lewis is special because she is a big part of why FCA grew with her team last year. She led a Bible study for Rider High School this month as a representative for FCA. I’m proud of her growth and very thankful for her help. Stay being great! The best is on its way! --Solomon E. Orr, Midwestern State FCA Campus Coordinator
By Doyla Motley April 8, 2021
5 towns, 4 churches, 2 baseball games, 1 softball game , 72 Gatorades, 45 waters, 40 trail mix packs, 20 packs of gum, 6 Bibles, 5 Shirts. Why do I do it? Well this quote is the reason, “What if we had 1 player accept Jesus this baseball season.” Isn’t it wonderful that there are coaches that care about the eternal lives of the kids they coach. A snack is just a way to meet a player and open up a conversation about who Jesus is. --Sam Powers, GWF Area Rep
By Doyla Motley April 8, 2021
FCA in Wichita Falls is alive and well, growing as we speak, and COVID 19 has not stopped us from spreading the WORD! Huddle groups are growing in number and in student participation. Plans are in place for recognizing the work of our coaches, and activities for All Star Games will take place this summer! This picture shows sporting events are now outdoors where less restrictions are in place for the participants!! Soccer, baseball, softball, and track are in full swing with playoffs already starting. It's so wonderful to be able to be with the coaches and athletes with less restrictions. God is good!! --J.C. Eakin, GWF Area Rep
By Doyla Motley March 2, 2021
January has been a busy month for our team as we are planning events for the 2021 year. I want to share a couple of the events with you and ask that you pray with us they go as planned. The first event is our Coaches Appreciation Dinner. Similar to last year, we are hosting this event at the Wellington Banquet & Conference Center. It’s exciting as our Reps have had a year to build their relationships with the coaches. Our hope is to safely fill the Wellington up with Coaches and their spouses. The second event is The All-Star game. Last year we had to cancel this event due to Covid, but this year looks like it will be a go. This will be the first Texas versus Oklahoma All-Star Game in Baseball, Softball, and Soccer. We will have more information as these events draw closer. If you have not had the opportunity please like us on Facebook and check out our website. Thank You for all your support. Mike
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