As the fall semester comes to an end, FCA continues to expand in Bowie ISD! Recently I connected with First Baptist Youth Pastor, Dustin Reeves, to bring along Gatorade for drops at the high school boys basketball practice. With his partnership we have now started to serve the High school girls, Junior high girls and junior high boys basketball teams weekly.
Starting on January 11th we will be hosting weekly a bible study with the high school boys basketball team post practice on Mondays with a bible study for the girls pending upon approval. We have also been in contact with Coach Jaimie Hickey from the junior high on starting a FCA bible study this next semester.
Thank you for all your prayers, Bowie FCA is just getting started!
--Shawn Kirkland, Bowie Ambassador
Merry Christmas! 2020 has truly been a crazy year, but our family has been overwhelmed with your love, support, prayers and encouragement. As a minister, Satan attacks us in so many ways. The transition from student pastor to FCA missionary was tough at times. Regardless of the lies Satan tells, Jesus speaks truth! We have had the opportunity to meet so many unchurched students and coaches. This opportunity has opened the door for the Gospel to be shared with the lost. Thank you for being a huge part of this ministry! Together we will continue to reach the next generation with the Good News of Jesus and prepare them to do the same!
Love, Sam, Jessica, & Cohlson Powers
Looking back at the year 2020 there are so many things we can all agree on that were not really what we wanted!
In spite of the difficulties we faced during this time, we have been able to adapt, change, reschedule, modify, and whatever else was needed to be done to complete FCA's Mission. I believe Ephesians 6 clearly states that we are fighting against unseen forces. I am so proud of all these people for persevering during this time! I hope you can see from the pictures this month that the coaches, huddle leaders, character coaches, and volunteer speakers have been able to touch the area athletes' lives. Our staff has also done a great job of reaching out to our coaches to help them through this difficult time. Thank all of you for your prayers and support during 2020!
Merry Christmas, JC Eakin, WF Area Rep
FCA in Vernon is not something I can accomplish alone. I’ve been blessed to have many young men and women partnering with me to bring snacks, minister to students, host huddles, and pray for our coaches and athletes.
Although I’m not sure what FCA ministry will look like exactly heading into 2021, I’m excited to see what the Lord is able to do through these willing volunteers. My prayer is that I can gather a group of students who want to lead out in their schools, and simply equip them to do the work!
--Nathan Roach, Vernon Ambassador
Family I never knew how good God truly was until I learned to say yes more and just trust him. It’s an honor to be on the campus every day serving our coaches and athletes. I’m so humbled by the growth of our young people and young Christians. I thank God that he saw something special enough in me to be on this Campus at this time. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and the wonderful coaches and athletes at MSU. The year 2021 is going to be AMAZING, with God of course. Love you! And I mean that.
Solomon E. Orr
Midwestern State FCA Campus Coordinator
Persevering on through the end of December are the Iowa Park, Holliday, City View and Archer City communities! Athletes and coaches are ready for a much needed break but have continued to serve their schools by continuing FCA huddles and bible studies. I’ve had the honor of beginning Bible Studies with IP Coach Brittany Cray and CV Coach Matthew Cooper this month as we become more Gospel equipped to do school ministry! As we look forward to Christmas rest, we also all look forward to the coming of our Savior—Immanuel, God with us—during this time!
--Ashton Rousseaux, Area Rep
"He must become greater; I must become less."
As competitors, we always dream of something Greater. We train tirelessly to reach our potential,
seeking approval from teammates, coaches and fans. The promise of a trophy or praise pushes us
to succeed. Our identity becomes about our performance—how well we play, not who we are.
The pressure to succeed fuels our purpose to compete every day. But what happens when our
season ends, or we don’t perform well? What does it say about our potential or our purpose? The
world will say we’re not good enough—that we’ve failed.
But Jesus Christ says differently.