As we celebrate the end of 2020, we are excited to kickoff 2021. The Greater Wichita Falls FCA is going into 2021 thinking about how we can move to the next level of ensuring every coach and athlete hear the gospel on a regular basis. To begin, we are changing the standard for our local board. The FCA board members have guided this team for 3 years but, as we look to 2021, we understand we can be better, so we are setting higher standards and inviting more members for the future. The second change this year is growing the team. We are blessed with a large team, but we do not have many females. A goal this year is to grow that side of the ministry. The long-term goal is for every male area rep to have a female counterpart, with that in mind we will need four more reps. We believe God has his hand on 2021 and we will pray that we kick 2021 and run each day at his pace.
Hello! Several months ago, a newsletter was sent out announcing I was volunteering with FCA for the semester. I'm excited to share with you that I am now a part-time Ambassador for Wichita Falls. I'm excited to participate in ministry with you.
Matthew 9:35-38
35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38, therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Faithful laborer for God's Kingdom, pray for me, and pray for more laborers. I'm excited to update you on more specifics of where I'm working and what I'm doing as we are figuring everything out. I appreciate your prayers.
--Jaycee Bruner, Ambassador
It’s another great month on the MSU Campus. The kids are back and ready to get their seasons going. They are also ready to challenge themselves in getting better and in growing a greater relationship with Jesus. Stay tuned because we’re going to have a great semester at MSU!
--Solomon Orr, MSU Campus Rep.New Paragraph
From the very first Archer City ISD Huddle in over 2 years with Coach Shad Hanna to the first scheduled Lady Eagles Athletics Huddle with Coach Cornsilk in Holliday and even new Coach Huddle leaders like Coach Cooper and Coach Brown at City View, the LORD has allowed wonderful new beginnings as well as faithful continuations of discipleship like our Hawks Basketball Guys Huddle in Iowa Park with Coach Lanham across our area, praise Him! To the left is Ms. Welch at WFGMS with our Friday morning middle school crew! Check out Lamentations 3:22-23.
--Ashton Roussesaux, Area RepNew Paragraph
It is such a joy to be invited out to the first practice of a team and asked to pray for the season. I had the opportunity to challenge students to step up and lead a team devotion and form spiritual habits. I know that the small seeds that are planted today will reap a harvest bigger than anyone can imagine. So regardless if its praying or listening to a student who has had a horrible day, being there to share Jesus at all times is what truly counts!
–Sam Powers, Henrietta Area Rep
FCA ministry is a team effort. I’m seeking in the months ahead to raise up a group of student leaders who will take ownership of the huddles at their various campuses while I focus more on investing in the coaching staff.
I am also seeking to build new partnerships with churches other than the one I serve on staff at. With these church partnerships, the vision of FCA will spread to more men and women in our communities.
On a personal note, by the time you read this, I will have a newborn daughter! Please be in prayer for my family!
--Nathan Roach, Ambassador
"He must become greater; I must become less."
As competitors, we always dream of something Greater. We train tirelessly to reach our potential,
seeking approval from teammates, coaches and fans. The promise of a trophy or praise pushes us
to succeed. Our identity becomes about our performance—how well we play, not who we are.
The pressure to succeed fuels our purpose to compete every day. But what happens when our
season ends, or we don’t perform well? What does it say about our potential or our purpose? The
world will say we’re not good enough—that we’ve failed.
But Jesus Christ says differently.